尼可西亚大学拥有四所专业学院, 开设有以下高等教育课程:
研究生硕士学位课程 Master Degrees (MBA)
工商管理 金融 Master in Business Administration - Concentration: Finance
管理 - Concentration: Management
市场 - Concentration: Marketing
信息系统 - Concentration: Management Information Systems
本科学士学位课程 Bachelor Degrees
工商管理 金融和经济- Business Administration - Concentration: Finance and Economics
管理 - Concentration: Management (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
信息系统 - Concentration: Management Information Systems (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
市场 - Concentration: Marketing (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
服务管理 -Hospitality Management (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
酒店和旅游管理-Hotel and Tourism Management (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
信息系统管理-Management Information Systems (4 years, Bachelor of Business Administration)
市场学 -Marketing (4 years, Bachelor of Business Administration)
体育管理 -Sports Management (4 years, Bachelor of Business Administration)
会计 -Accounting (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
研究生硕士学位课程 Master Degrees
国际公共关系 International Relations (18 months, Master of Arts)
多媒体与传媒 Master in Media and Communication (2 years, Master of Arts)
本科学士学位课程 Bachelor Degrees
多媒体应用 Applied Multimedia (4 years, Bachelor of Arts)
建筑 Architecture (5 years, Bachelor of Arts)
传媒 Communications (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
英语及英国文学 English Language and Literature (4 years, Bachelor of Arts)
平面设计 Graphic Communication (4 years, Bachelor of Arts)
室内设计 Interior Design (4 years, Bachelor of Arts)
国际公共关系及欧洲研究 International Relations and European Studies (4 years, Bachelor of Arts)
法律 Law (4 years, Bachelor of Laws - LLB)
心理学 Psychology (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
公共关系,广告及市场学 Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing (4 yrs, Bachelor of Arts)
本科学士学位课程 Bachelor Degrees
电脑工程 Computer Engineering (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
电脑科学 Computer Science (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
电子工程 Electronics Engineering (4 years, Bachelor of Science)
护士 Nursing (4 years, Bachelor of Science)